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December 17, 2019 Subject:
Jarrett/Powel/St. John - Tepid 3 Mesquiteers Style
Arthur Jarrett was a popular vocalist in the 1930s, Lee Powell a supporting actor and Al St. John in a terrible attempt by Grand National to compete with the 3 Mesquiteers. Ted Adams as the oily smooth talking bad guy is the best thing about the film - unless you're a big fan of St. John's silly antics. Dorothy Faye is the female lead here - IMDb says between 1939-51 she appeared in 19 films. She married cowboy star Tex Ritter in 1941. Nina Guilbert is also fun as Faye's ditzy aunt. Jarrett croons a few songs - take them or leave them. Otherwise , Jarrett and Powell are stiff and exhibit little of the chemistry that made Livingston and Corrigan so enjoyable in the 3 Mesquiteers series.
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March 21, 2005 Subject:
The Lame Duck Trio
Western trio pictures were a popular Saturday matinee staple for a number of years in the 30's and 40's. The Three Mesquiteers series at Republic was probably the best over-all, but there were many. In the fall of 1938, Grand National Pictures announced a slate of six trio pictures for 1939. One was actually filmed before Grand National went out of business. This is it. It is, at best, a low budget imitation. The script by George Plimpton and Ted Richmond must have came out of a pile of rejects at Republic as the lead characters' names are only slightly different. It's a standard shoot-em up for sure, just not very good. Dorthy Fay, later to be Mrs. Tex Ritter and John Ritter's mom is a disapointment in that none of her sense of humor shines through in a humorless part. Let's blame the director, Sam Newfield. He's used to it.